Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hot or Not - Rate the Congremmen

Oh Arianna Huffington. I love you so much thatI cry a little on the weeks that you’re absent from Left, Right, and Center. And I freely admit that I have spent more than one occasion sitting in the car mouthing your scathing political commentary so I can perfect your charming accent. But first during one of your pre-election rants, you call Sarah Palin a bimbo. You can say a lot of things about Sarah Palin, but I do think “bimbo” crosses one of those lines where it’s the kind of gross, personal, and gender specific attack ( could you not have used the more neutral “ignorant” or “airhead”?) that the left accuses the right of using all the time. If you’re gonna complain about something, you can’t go run and commit the same offense when it’s your turn. Needless to say I was a little disappointed.

And now this in the sidebar of The Huffington Post:

Who's The Hottest Congressional Freshman?

My heart flutters a little – I want to like this. But I just can’t abide. I know that if there were the same thing but with women instead of men, I’d be railing.

I do realize between this post and last I’m starting to sound all humorless feminist. I assure you I’m not – I’m pro porn, enjoy South Park and the comic stylings of Brad Neeley – I’m fun, I swear! I just think we can’t pursue humor like this until it’s cool to do on both sides. So, hold off for another 50 years or so till we’ve got equal numbers on Capitol Hill, capiche?

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